All Woman, Everything
The way I see it
She is everything
Woman, female, girl, lady
And this is only the beginning
Her identity is expressed with all ten fingers
Her defining qualities inform an entire dictionary
She can be used as a noun, verb, and adjective
To be her, to do her, to be like her
To walk with diamonds between her thighs,
both nonwhite and woman
Synonyms include: survival, artistry, architect
Crafting her own existence, entitled: project reclaimed land
That is her denotative mission
Because she plasters her own meaning
Her grandmother pours the foundation
Over the false belief that I must feed
that She was not a she
Nor he or they
But that she was a thing that could be mine
For I am hungry in my house built on (un)claimed land
Her actual home is a mystery
Where is it?
They do not know
Why would she want to be there?
I do not understand
But that is not any of her concern,
Because I wouldn’t ever be able to fit in as she does,
Since She can be, and chooses to be